
This site was set up to help me learn about Word­Press. I’ve always found that the best way to learn is to do. The gen­eral plan was to cre­ate this blog (done!) and then to learn about Word­Press Themes by cre­at­ing a theme for the site. In the process, I want to find any use­ful plu­g­ins and work out how to use Word­Press as a CMS. It will also pro­vide a con­ve­nient way to test any new themes or trial any new plu­g­ins that are needed for other peo­ple — if any­thing goes wrong it’s my site and not a clients. If you are read­ing this and the site hap­pens to look like it belongs else­where, then it prob­a­bly means a new theme is being tried out.

At the same time, or maybe a lit­tle later, I want to learn how Google App Engine works so I can try out an idea I’ve had for a really use­ful web app. Why Google App Engine? Because it’s free start off and is “infi­nitely” and “auto­mat­i­cally” scal­able. Of course this also means learn­ing Python and Django and how Google’s data store works and prob­a­bly a mil­lion and one other things. While I do this, I can use this blog to keep track of any­thing use­ful (processes, how-tos, hints and tips) that I might oth­er­wise forget…
