This site was set up to help me learn about WordPress. I’ve always found that the best way to learn is to do. The general plan was to create this blog (done!) and then to learn about WordPress Themes by creating a theme for the site. In the process, I want to find any useful plugins and work out how to use WordPress as a CMS. It will also provide a convenient way to test any new themes or trial any new plugins that are needed for other people — if anything goes wrong it’s my site and not a clients. If you are reading this and the site happens to look like it belongs elsewhere, then it probably means a new theme is being tried out.
At the same time, or maybe a little later, I want to learn how Google App Engine works so I can try out an idea I’ve had for a really useful web app. Why Google App Engine? Because it’s free start off and is “infinitely” and “automatically” scalable. Of course this also means learning Python and Django and how Google’s data store works and probably a million and one other things. While I do this, I can use this blog to keep track of anything useful (processes, how-tos, hints and tips) that I might otherwise forget…